Chrisad New Zealand. Dental Practice Marketing

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Dental marketing experience. Is it really necessary?

If you want to select a marketing agency for a dental practice, then proven experience backed up by independent data and research is worth considering.

If you have heard this from an advertising or marketing company: “Could you tell me about your business and customer”? “What services and products would you like to market”? “What colours, fonts and imagery would you like”? If you have heard any of these, they do not understand the intricacies of the dental business and, most importantly, the hearts and minds of the incredibly sensitive dental consumer.

The dental consumer demographic is like no other due to pain, fear, cost and inherent mistrust. We hear many times I have tried this or that advertising, and it does not work for us. It never will if you do not incorporate an integrated approach to your advertising and marketing. What happens internally in your practice has more effect on growth than external advertising.

We have a simple saying you can 10 X your marketing budget, and it will have a marginal effect if your customer experience is not aligned with your advertising.

Chrisad has been serving dental owners since 1980. Forty-three years of experience in seeing and analysing success and failure. You now get experience, knowledge and wisdom and avoid the mistakes of dentists past.

LET’S TALK >, we know we can help you.