Chrisad New Zealand. Dental Practice Marketing

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The quantitative data that is essential for dental growth

With dental growth, there are a few important metrics to focus on beyond the hype of clicks and impressions from Google Suite, Meta, MailChimp or any other digital service with reporting functions. Impressions do not guarantee your brand got an impression; it means it may have got an impression. Clicks do not mean sales; someone took action that may have led to an enquiry or booking. As a dental business owner, you want to know the following:

  • Are my new patients growing each month

  • Is my adjusted production growing each month

  • Is 95% of my patients rebooking before they leave the practice

  • Are my cancellation % rates dropping

  • Is my $ profit increasing

  • Is my case acceptance rates increasing

  • How many phone calls are missed during open hours

  • What is my fill rate or chair occupancy rate

  • What is my production rate per provider

  • What is my retention rate per provider

  • And more.

Measuring what happens in practice and what consumers do when they experience your practice will give you the tools to identify and correct problems. We have a simple saying; watch what consumers do in the data and less what they say. In simple terms, consumers say one thing but do another to avoid conflict.

EG: A server asks: How was your meal tonight? You respond, fine, thank you! However, you never return to that restaurant or tell your friends to try it. WHY?

At Chrisad, we watch this practice data like a hawk. It is the pano x-ray into your business, giving us a detailed picture without personal opinion.