Discover the most effective dental advertising channels in New Zealand

The most effective dental advertising channels in New Zealand can vary depending on factors such as a dental practice's target audience, budget, and marketing objectives. However, some common dental advertising channels that are often considered effective in New Zealand include:

  1. Website: A modern and effective website with consumer data-driven messages and clear calls to action on the home page that cause the dental customer to call or book online without further research.

  2. Direct Mail: This gets into almost every home in your market without fail. It targets New patients and returning patients.

  3. Electronic Direct Marketing (EDM)or Newsletters. This targets your existing email database. However, it can be effective with referrals if the messages stimulate dental referrals.

  4. Apple and Google Business listings. This ensures your business appears in online searches and helps people contact you or get quick directions to your location.

  5. Signage. A VISIBLE practice sign to vehicles and/or pedestrians 24 hours a day with the RIGHT message will never stop advertising for you. Be visible and memorable.

  6. Online Advertising: Online advertising can be highly effective in reaching potential dental consumers in New Zealand. This can include paid search advertising on platforms like Google Ads, where dental practices can bid on keywords related to their services and appear in search results when people search for those keywords. Social media advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube can also effectively target specific demographics and promote dental services or offers.

  7. Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Optimising a dental practice's website for local SEO can help improve its visibility in local search results, especially for location-specific keywords. This can include optimising the website's content, meta tags, and other technical aspects to rank higher in local search results. This can help drive organic traffic and potential patients to the practice's website.

  8. Content Marketing: Creating valuable and relevant content through a dental practice's website or blog can help attract and engage potential patients. This can include informative articles, blog posts, infographics, videos, or other content that provides valuable information about oral health, dental procedures, and other related topics. Content marketing can help establish a dental practice as an authority in their field and attract potential patients actively searching for information.

  9. Social Media: Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, can be effective channels for dental advertising in New Zealand. Dental practices can create and maintain social media accounts to engage with their audience, share updates, promote services or special offers, and connect with potential patients. Social media can also be used for targeted advertising to reach specific demographics or geographic areas.

  10. Referral Programs: Encouraging word-of-mouth marketing through referral programs can effectively generate new patients. Dental practices can offer incentives or discounts to existing patients who refer new patients to their practice. This can help develop positive word-of-mouth referrals and build a loyal patient base.

  11. Local Community Engagement: Sponsor local sports, daycares, and emergency services with free dental cleaning with NO time limits and NO restrictions. And absolutely NO extra charges like xrays or exams when they try you out! This is bait and switch tactics! Participating in local community events, sponsoring local organisations or sports teams, or hosting dental education seminars can effectively build brand awareness and connect with potential patients in the local community. This can help establish a positive reputation and generate referrals through community engagement.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of dental advertising channels can vary depending on various factors, and it's recommended to monitor and evaluate the results of different advertising efforts to determine the most effective channels for a specific dental practice in New Zealand. Working with Chrisad, a professional dental marketing agency, will develop and implement a proven and effective dental advertising strategy tailored to the needs and goals of the dental practice.

Effective means quantifiable data, such as new patients, more phone calls, online bookings, gross production (MONEY), retention, cancellation rates, etc. We don’t rely on clicks, actions and impressions.


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